The Technomancer: Jay'cyn's father. Does 'mancer' indicate that he use long dead technologies? Or dead people, turning them into technothropes? Is the technomancer a technothrope himself? Did Jay'cyn get her shapeshifting abilities becasue of her father working on her or was she born with them? Does she have a mother?

A: The Technomancer does not work with dead people. That would make him a necromancer. (necro = dead things) Mancer indicates that he deals in magic. The Tecnomancer is the most advanced technothrope yet. My thoughts right now are that he has become one with his keep.

I haven't had a chance to get into Jay'Cyn's back story yet. The idea I have is that she ran away as a child, after seeing her father murder her mother. She was taken in, and raised by an old wizard who taught her healing magics. The other stuff she learned on her own.

2: Travellers. Beings that travel between possible planets of Quantum space? Toby and Angelline were slaves of the Travellers? Angel got to fix their lab often, so she's a crack mechanic.

A: Yes, Travellers make a habit of going to different quantum realities. Different life forms have developed on different Earths, and they expiriment those life forms. The Travellers claim to do this for the scientific knowledge, but they do get a perverse pleasure from it, that's why their favorite subjects are sentient beings.

Angel was one of many random people abducted by the Travellers for experimentation. She was taken around the time that the Tecnothropes first attacked, and wound up being used as slave labor. She is a rare genious IQ savant, who's field of skill is technology. She has always had the inate ability to gain an understanding of a given technology base by doing little more than looking at the inner workings. This made her perfectly suited to fix Traveller lab equipment

Toby was trying to track down Angel, when he was captured by the now technothropic Furlows.

3: Sarah Hancock says in chapter two that she "isn't just your foster parent" to Angelline. Wasn't it Arthur and Eilene Furlow that was Angel and Toby's fosterparents?

A: Sarah was Angel's foster mother after the Furlows. The Furlows lost guardianship of Angel and Toby after Aurthur tried to beat Angel to death. Sarah gained guardianship of Angel when Angel was 14, just as soon as she was out of the hospital.

4: Jay'cyn and Grudge are part of a group that take care of paranormal occurencies on 'flying cities' world?

A: Grudge and Jay'Cyn used to do everything in their power to spoil the Technomancer's plans. They occasionly ran into other things, and Jay'Cyn can't abide any magic user who uses their powers to cause trouble. Grudge is from the same Earth as Angel and Toby, and ran afoul of more than a few beasties before he wound up on Jay'Cyn's Earth. I haven't explained how he got there yet, but I have an idea for it.

5: K'trynn, genderless... 'they' gave her a female form. Who are 'they'? The Travellers? If K'trynn is a Traveller (:complaining goblin to K'trynn: you're one of them aren't you) who defended the humans they had captured for slave labor. Because of this she was turned into whatever she is as punishment? The group of SRU that greets K'trynn, Dakota and the others when they exit the structure are a part of the force Dr. Hancock wants to form? It should be that same earth, since Angel and company meets up with Dakota when they get to Hancock's little place. What happened to K'trynn?

A: K'Trynn was changed by the other travellers. Travellers always look female when taking on more humanoid forms, because they only have X chromosones. When they changed K'Trynn, they tried to push her towards being a parady of the Hollywood ideal. (leggy, and top heavy) She was moved almost imediately to the SRU's main base. Her presence was making the others uncomfortable. Most of them still see her as just another Traveller. Fact is, I simply haven't had any further need for her in the comic, since then.

6. Evelyn (isn't she a t-thrope?) Big lion guy asks if she's not one of them. Does that mean that the travellers are also t-thropes? Evelyns' "Not by choice"... means she got turned into a t-thrope against her will. Doesn't that put the travellers as a third party (not t-thrope, not native terran/resistance).

A: The Traveller victims were mistrustfull of Evelyn, because she appeared to be one their new captors. The Furlows thought that her natural empathy towards people would help her be a good command and control unit for the drones. Travellers are not Technothropes.

7: The Technomancer turns people into t-thropes. The Travellers turned Evelyn into a t-thrope (becasue she too was a slave there, yes?)

A: The Technomancer only changes willing volunteers. Evelyn was changed against her will by the Furlows, because, in all honesty, they're not very bright.

8: Are there any relation between the Travellers and the Technomancer?

A: No. Travellers will generally avoid magic, (which they refer to as a "quantum flux" in refference to the part of quantum mecchanics that says that a sentient mind can affect the laws of probablity) and magic rich realities. The Tecnomancer seeks to become the most powerfull magic user on his Earth. The Travellers simply had the the poor luck to set up their installation relatively close to the Furlow's liar. The Furlows feared a potential threat, and wanted to incorporate Traveller tecnology, if possible, into their technomancy.

9: Where does Maximilian come into the picture? What is he?

A: Max is a Traveller experiment. They created him from sratch. While they consider him to be a failure, he's really a case of succeeding too well. The Travellers hate willfull test subjects.

10: Technothrope aren't the same 'thrope' kind as Lychantropes, are they?

A: The races page has a discription of technothropes. Basically a technothrope is a cyborg that has a good prtion of their cybernetics bonded or working at the cellular to molecular levels. The current technothropes are part magic. Technothrope is basically just a term that the technomancer decided to use, and has nothing to do with werebeasts. His technothropes are a bit amorphous, though. (look at how Dolza's second body has changed)

Thanks to Suntiger, from the forums for letting me use his questions